Reimbursement & Coding

HCPCS Coding Guidance

Visit the PDAC website for the latest Coverage and Payment Rules, codes and general guidelines for seeking DME reimbursement through Medicare. These guidelines do not replace directions provided by CMS. AMERX Health Care recommends checking with PDAC for the latest updates regarding rules and regulations for dispensing DME products.  PDAC –

HCPCS Coding GuidanceAMERX Health Care regularly reviews and releases the latest HCPCS Coding Guidance related to our products.  Download your copy today!

Common Wound Care Diagnosis & Debridement Codes for AMERX Products

AMERX Health Care has compiled a handy guide of Debridement Codes and ICD-10 Codes associated with dispensing AMERX Products, available exclusively to those health care providers already a part of the AMERX Family of Dispensing Physicians. While the information in this guide is intended to assist you and your practice with coding, the existence of a code does not guarantee payment. The information is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication, but coding guidelines can change and we always encourage you to stay up to date.

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The Latest in Reimbursement & Coding Information from the Blog

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  • 2023 Growth Increases

Increases to 2023 DME Fee Schedule!

By Dr. Jeffrey D. Lehrman, DPM, FASPS, MAPWCA, CPC, CPMA|January 19, 2023|

The 2023 CMS DME Fee Schedule can be found here: This fee schedule is typically updated quarterly.  Updates usually result in links for four different fee schedules for each previous calendar year and Read More →